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I can hardly believe that… 的場景對話

Jenny 和 Michael 正在談論一位共同朋友的驚人消息。

Jenny: I can hardly believe that Sarah is moving to Paris next month.

Michael: I know, right? It seems like just yesterday she was talking about settling down here.

Jenny: It’s such a big change. I wonder what made her decide to move.

Jenny: 我真不敢相信 Sarah 下個月要搬去巴黎了。
Michael: 是啊,對吧?感覺她昨天還在說要在這裡定居。
Jenny: 這真是個大變化。我想知道是什麼讓她決定搬走。

I can hardly believe that… 的句型解釋和用法

這個結構主要表達你對某事的發生感到驚訝或難以置信。使用這個結構時,需要注意 hardly 這個字,因為它與hard 有不同的含義。

Hardly 是一個否定詞,意思是“幾乎不”。因此,不應該與否定詞如 can’t、couldn’t、wouldn’t 等一起使用。


I can hardly believe that he won the lottery. 我真不敢相信他中了彩票。
I can hardly believe that she finished the marathon. 我真不敢相信她跑完了馬拉松。
I can hardly believe that they are getting married. 我真不敢相信他們要結婚了。

I can hardly believe that… 的用法 – 練習題

試著用  I can hardly believe that +主詞+動詞 完成以下句子:


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I can hardly believe that my colleague is retiring early. 我真不敢相信我的同事要提前退休。

I can hardly believe that my brother moved to another country. 我真不敢相信我的兄弟搬到另一個國家。



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