I had a hard time… 的場景對話
Eva 和 Tom 正在讨论他们最近的工作挑战。
Eva: I had a hard time understanding the new policy changes. Did you check the latest updates?
Tom: Yes, I did. I had a hard time at first, too. But after discussing it with our manager, it became clearer.
Eva: That’s good to hear.
Eva: 我很难理解新的政策变动。你看了最新的更新吗?
Tom: 看了,起初我也很难懂。但在和我们经理讨论之后,就清楚多了。
Eva: 听你这么说我也放心了。
I had a hard time… 的句型解釋和用法
這個結構用來表達你在某事上遇到困難。hard 這個詞可以用 tough、challenging、terrible 等詞替換。你也可以將其改為 good、fun、fantastic 等詞,以表達你的經歷反饋是正面的。記住,在 time 這個詞之後,你需要使用動詞的現在分詞形式(動詞-ing)。
I had a hard time finding your house.我很难找到你的家。
She had a hard time adjusting to the new work environment.她很难适应新的工作环境。
They had a hard time deciding where to go on vacation.他们很难决定去哪里度假。
I had a hard time… 的用法 – 練習題
試著用 I had a hard time + 動詞-ing 完成以下句子:
____________ .
____________ .
I had a hard time concentrating in the noisy environment. 我在嘈杂的环境中很难集中注意力。
My friend had a hard time learning the new language. 我的朋友学习新语言时遇到了困难。