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classic 和 classical 看着非常相似,大家经常会把这两个词搞混,那他们到底有什么差别呢?


Classic 一般是经典或经典作品。用来描述那些经得起时间考验,被广泛认可为优秀或范例性的事物。它可以用来形容书籍、电影、音乐、汽车,甚至是时尚风格等多种事物。

“The Great Gatsby” is a classic novel that is still widely read today. 《了不起的盖茨比》是一本经典小说,至今仍被广泛阅读。
She prefers a classic style of clothing that never goes out of fashion. 她偏好永不过时的经典服装风格。


classical 主要用来描述与古典时期相关的事物,特别是指古希腊和罗马的文化及其影响,或者指古典音乐。 “Classical” 强调的是与特定历史时期或风格相关的事物。如:

  • classical literature 古典文学
  • classical Chinese 古汉语
  • classical music 古典音乐
  • classical architecture 古典建筑

She has a deep appreciation for classical architecture. 她对古典建筑有着深深的欣赏。
Mozart is one of the greatest composers of classical music. 莫扎特是古典音乐最伟大的作曲家之一。

classic 和 classical – 练习题

1. A example of Renaissance art is the Mona Lisa.

2. The study of languages includes Latin and Ancient Greek.

3. A car show features vehicles from the early 20th century.

4. The architecture of ancient Rome is a great example of design.

5. For many, the 1960s was the era of rock music.

6. The ballet "Swan Lake" is a masterpiece of dance.




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