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“你等等我”或者“稍等一下”用英文怎么说?我们可能首先想到用 wait a minute。不能说这个表达错了,但多数母语使用者不会这么说。以下是些更地道的表达。

give me a moment

Could you give me a moment? 可以等我一下吗。
Give me a second, I need to review these documents. 我需要查看这些文件。

这里 moment 可以换成 minute /second, 表示比较短的时间。

hold on/hang on

Hold on, I need to take this call. 等等,我需要接这个电话。
Hold on a second, I am getting into a taxi. 等一下,我要上出租车了。

A: “Hey, do you have a moment to help me with this problem?” “嘿,你有时间帮我解决这个问题吗?”
B: “Hang on a second, I’m just finishing up an email. Okay, what do you need help with?” “稍等,我正在处理一封电子邮件。现在好了,你需要什么帮助?”

just a moment


Just a moment, sir. I have a question. 稍等片刻,老师。我有一个问题。

bear with me

please bear with me = please wait.


Ok, please bear with me while I check that for you. 请稍等一下,我给你确认下。



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