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go out 和 go outside 这两个说法在英文里有什么不一样吗?是不是都是“出去”的意思。实际上,他们的用法是不一样的。

Go out

go out 是一个非常通用的短语,指离开家或当前所在的地方去参加社交活动、工作、娱乐等。它不仅限于物理上的外出,还包括出去享受娱乐或社交的意味。

We like to go out for dinner every Friday. 我们喜欢每周五外出吃晚餐。
Are you going out tonight? 你今晚要出去吗?

Go outside

相比之下,go outside 更具体地指离开室内空间到户外。它强调的是从室内环境移动到户外的物理行为, go outside 经常用于强调与自然的互动或进行户外运动。

It’s such a nice day; let’s go outside and enjoy the sun. 今天天气很好;让我们出去享受阳光吧。
The teacher asked the students to go outside for a class activity. 老师要求学生外出进行课堂活动。

go out 和 go outside – 练习题

1. It's a beautiful day; do you want to and play in the park?

2. She doesn't much since she prefers staying at home reading.

3. Every weekend they to their favorite nightclub.

4. If you want fresh air, just for a few minutes.

5. Are you planning to with friends this Saturday night?

6. The fire alarm rang, and everyone had to .

7. He loves to and explore new restaurants in the city.

8. During the break, the students are allowed to and play.

9. For her birthday, they decided to and celebrate at a fancy place.

10. When it's raining, it's not pleasant to .




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