compare yourself to others
compare yourself to others 强调了个人对他人的比较,通常用于描述一个人是否经常将自己的成就、外貌或生活情况与他人进行比较
It’s pointless to always compare yourself to others. 总是拿自己和别人比较是没有意义的。
She tends to compare herself to other people on social media, which can be unhealthy for her self-esteem. 她经常在社交媒体上将自己与其他人进行比较,这对她的自尊心可能不健康。
keep up with the Joneses
keep up with the Joneses 是一个俚语表达。它源于美国文化,描述了一个美国青年在生活当中,竭力攀比富贵的邻居 Jones,处处模仿Jones 家的豪华排场。最后因入不敷出,精疲力尽而幡然醒悟的故事。 keep up with the Joneses 现在指的是与他人比排场、比阔气、比社会地位等攀比行为。
People are always trying to keep up with the Joneses. 人们总是想和别人攀比。
They’re always buying new things to keep up with the Joneses. 他们总是买新东西,以和别人攀比。