在英文學習過程中,我們經常會用到「笑」這個動作,但你知道除了常見的 laugh 和 smile,還有許多其他的表達方式嗎?以下是幾種常見的「笑」的動作及其用法。
微笑 smile
He smiled every time he saw her. 每次看到她,他都會微笑。
She smiled warmly at the new student. 她對新學生親切地微笑。
假笑 smirk
smirk [smɜːrk]
He smirked when he won the game. 他贏得比賽時露出假笑。
She smirked at her sister’s silly joke. 她對她妹妹那愚蠢的笑話露出假笑。
大笑 laugh
He laughed at the funny joke. 他對那個好笑的笑話笑了起來。
The joke made everyone laugh out loud. 這個笑話讓大家都放聲大笑。
偷笑 snicker
snicker [ˈsnɪkər]
The kids snickered at the clown’s silly costume. 孩子們對小丑的滑稽服裝偷笑。
She snickered behind her hand during the serious play.在嚴肅的劇目中,她用手掩著臉偷笑。
苦笑 nervous laugh
She gave a nervous laugh when asked about her future plans.當被問及她的未來計劃時,她給了個苦笑。
During the interview, she couldn’t help but give a nervous laugh when talking about her weaknesses. 面試時,談到自己的弱點,她忍不住哭笑了。
壞笑 grin
He grinned when he outlined his plan. 他在描述他的計劃時壞笑了起來。
He grinned from ear to ear when he found out he passed the exam. 當他得知自己考試及格時,他咧嘴笑得合不攏嘴。
咯咯地笑 giggle
giggle [ˈɡɪɡl]
She giggled at the dog’s funny antics. 她對狗狗的滑稽動作咯咯地笑。
The children giggled when they saw the clown. 孩子們看到小丑時咯咯地笑了。
輕聲笑 chuckle
chuckle [ˈtʃʌkl]
He chuckled at the child’s innocent remark. 他對小孩的天真話語輕笑了一下。
Hearing the toddler’s explanation for the missing cookies, her mother couldn’t help but chuckle. 聽到小孩對於消失的餅乾的解釋,她媽媽忍不住輕聲笑了。