天氣中的“大”,我們用英文該如何表述呢?如“風很大”,可以用 big 嗎?
風很大不是 big wind。因為 big 是尺寸體積大。風大是風很強勁,所以用 strong, 即 strong wind。
The wind is so strong today! 今天的風好大!
Be careful outside, there’s a strong wind blowing. 走在外面要小心,有強勁的風在吹。
霧很大,是霧很濃密,所以我們可以用 thick,即 thick fog.
Be careful, the fog is thick and it’s hard to see ahead. 小心,霧很濃密,前方很難看清。
The airport had to cancel several flights due to the thick fog. 因為大霧,機場不得不取消幾個航班。
雨很大,是雨量大,所以用 heavy, 即 heavy rain.
The rain is heavy today. 今天雨很大。
I had to cancel my plans for the picnic because of the heavy rain. 因為大雨,我不得不取消野餐的計劃。