“I should have + 过去分词” 的场景对话
在咖啡馆里,Leo 和 Claire 正在谈论他们昨天错过的音乐会。
Leo: I still can’t believe we missed the concert last night.
Claire: I know, I should have set an alarm. I completely forgot about it until it was too late.
Leo: Yeah, and I should have double-checked the tickets and time. We had been looking forward to it for months.
Claire: At least now we know to prepare better next time.
Leo: Absolutely. Next time, I’m setting multiple reminders.
Leo: 我仍然不敢相信我们昨晚错过了音乐会。
Claire: 我知道,我应该设定一个闹钟的。 我完全忘了,直到太晚才想起来。
Leo: 对啊,我也应该再次确认门票和时间的。 我们期待了好几个月了。
Claire: 至少现在我们知道下次要准备得更好。
Leo: 绝对。 下次,我会设置多个提醒。
I should have 的句型解释和用法
“I should have + 过去分词”结构用来表达如果你在过去做了某事,情况可能会更好。 但你没有做,所以现在你后悔没有做它。 在日常对话中,母语者经常会将“should have”缩略为“should’ve”。
I should have called you sooner. 我应该早点给你打电话的。
I should have brought an umbrella. 我应该带把伞的。
I should have listened to your advice. 我应该听你的建议的。
“I should have + 过去分词” 的用法 – 练习题
试着用 “I should have + 过去分词”完成以下句子:
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1. I should have remembered the party date.
2. I should have started working on the project earlier.