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我们如何用英文表达 3 + 2= 5?这是一节英语课。不是数学课!在本课中,您将学习到基本数学符号和运算的英语词汇:


加 (+)plus
减 ()minus
乘 (X)times/multiplied by
除 (÷)divided by
等于 (=)equals/is

所以,3 + 2 = 5 可以表达为:

Three plus two equals/is five.


加 (+) 的英文

4 + 6 = 10
Four plus six equals ten.

120 +  90 = 210
One hundred and twenty plus ninety is two hundred and ten.

减 (-)的英文

6 – 4 = 2
Six minus four equals two.

注意,负号 (-) 和减去一样,读作 minus。

5 – 7 = -2
Five minus seven is minus two.

The temperature is minus 10 degrees. 气温是零下10度。

乘以 (X) 的英文

“乘”较常用的是 times (注意带s的),也可以用 multiplied by, 按字面意思,即被某个数乘。

2 X 4 = 8
Two times four equals eight.

3 X 6 = 18
Three multiplied by six is eighteen.

除以 (÷) 的英文

除以 divided by ,按字面意思,即被某个数除。

9 ÷ 3 = 3
Nine divided by three is three.

20 ÷ 5 = 4
Twenty divided by five equals four.


上文我们解释了算法表达式中的加减乘除 ,对于加法/减法/乘法/除法本身可以这样表达:


Today we are going to practice addition. 今天我们要练习加法。
Let’s learn subtraction. 让我们学习减法吧。
I’m good at multiplication. 我擅长乘法。
We are going to learn division. 我们要学习除法。



大于(>)读作  Is greater than

3 > 2
Three is greater than two.


小于(<) 读作 Is less than

4 < 5
Four is less than five.

不等于 (≠) 的英文

不等于 (≠)  读作 Is not equal to

5 ≠ 6
Five is not equal to six.

大于等于 (≥)  的英文

大于等于 (≥)  读作 is greater than or equals to

x ≥ 8
x is greater than or equal to eight.

小于等于 ()  的英文

小于等于 ()  读作 is less than or equals to

≤  5
a is less than or equal to 5.



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