一般而言,”受傷”在英文中可以用 injured 或 hurt 來表達。
He was injured in the car accident. 他在車禍中受傷了。
She got hurt while playing soccer. 她在踢足球時受傷了。
擦傷 scrape
scrape [skreɪp] 指的是皮膚表層因摩擦而受損。
She scraped her elbow against the wall. 她的手肘在牆上擦傷了。
割傷 cut
cut [kʌt] 通常是指皮膚被銳利物品割傷。
Be careful with the knife or you’ll cut yourself. 小心刀子,不然你會割到自己。
燒傷/燙傷 burn
burn [bɜːrn] 通常是指由於高溫所造成的皮膚損傷。
He accidentally burned his hand on the stove. 他不小心把手在爐子上燒傷了。
扭傷 sprain
sprain [spreɪn] 通常是指關節因扭曲而受損。
I sprained my ankle playing basketball yesterday. 我昨天打籃球的時候扭傷了腳踝。
骨折 break
break [breɪk] 指的是骨頭裂開或斷裂。
He broke his arm during the football match and needed a cast. 他在足球賽中斷了手臂,需要打石膏。
拉傷 strain
strain [streɪn] 是指肌肉或肌腱受到拉伸或撕裂。
She has a muscle strain from lifting weights at the gym. 她在健身房舉重時肌肉拉傷了。
流血 bleed
bleed [bliːd] 用於描述血液從傷口部流出。
Your finger is bleeding. 你的手指流血了。
撞傷 bruise
bruise [bruːz] 通常是指皮下血管破裂後形成的瘀血或瘀青。
He got a big bruise on his knee after he bumped into the table. 他撞到桌子後,膝蓋上出現了一大塊瘀傷。
腳崴了 twist
twist [twɪst] 是指腳踝或其他身體部位因不正常扭動而受損。
She twisted her ankle while hiking in the mountains. 她在山裡遠足時崴了腳。