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最常用的方式,我們可以用 sunstroke 或者 heatstroke。stroke 有中風,擊打的意思。被 sun 太陽或 heat 熱擊打,當然就中暑了。

It’s so hot today, I’m going to get sunstroke if I go out. 今天天氣很熱,如果我出去的話,我會中暑的。
I was outside all day and I got sunstroke. 我整天都在外面,中暑了。
I think I get heatstroke. I’ve been feeling dizzy and nauseous all day. 我覺得我中暑了。我整天都感到頭暈和噁心。

此外,還可以用 heat exhaustion 來描述中暑。exhaustion 表示一種非常累的狀態,精疲力盡。

She’s been sweating profusely and her face is flushed. It looks like she might have heat exhaustion. 她大量出汗,臉色發紅。看起來她可能患有中暑。



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