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“I’d rather … than …” 的场景对话

两位好友,Liam 和 Sophie,正在计划他们的周末活动。

Liam: So, what do you feel like doing this weekend? There’s a new horror movie playing at the cinema.

Sophie: Hmm, I’d rather stay home than go out to watch a movie.

Liam: 这个周末你想做些什么? 有一部新的恐怖电影在电影院上映。
Sophie: 嗯,我宁愿待在家里也不想出去看电影。

“I’d rather … than …” 的句型解释和用法

“I’d rather (Verb 1) than (Verb 2)”是一个表示偏好的句型,表达讲者更喜欢做第一种事情而不是第二种。 I’d rather 是 I would rather 的简写。 母语者在说 I’d rather 时可能不会发出“d”音,听起来会是 I rather。 还需要注意的是,在使用这个结构时,我们必须使用两个动词。


I’d rather walk than take the bus. 我宁愿走路也不想乘公交车。
I’d rather read a book than watch TV. 我宁愿读书也不想看电视。
I’d rather make my coffee than buy it. 我宁愿自己做咖啡也不想买。

“I’d rather … than …” 的用法 – 练习题

根据以下情境,使用“I’d rather (Verb 1) than (Verb 2)”完成句子。


I’d rather ____________ than ____________.”


I’d rather ____________ than hear about it from someone else.


I’d rather cook at home than go to a fast-food restaurant. 我宁愿在家做饭也不想去快餐店。

I’d rather experience it myself than hear about it from someone else.我宁愿亲自体验,也不想从别人那里听到关于它的事。



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