was 和 were 是 be 動詞的過去簡單式形式。I/he/she/it 要用 was,you/we/they 要用 were。
I was at school this morning. 我今天早上在學校。
You were absent yesterday. 你昨天缺席。
She was happy at the concert. 她在演唱會上很開心。
We were excited after the game. 我們在比賽之後很興奮。
Were they at school? 他們在學校嗎?
否定句 was not 和 were not 的縮寫為 wasn’t 和 weren’t,但是肯定句 was 和 were 沒有縮寫的形式。
He was sad, but she wasn’t very sad. 他很傷心,但她沒有很傷心。
Sarah and Amber were hungry, but we weren’t hungry. Sarah和Amber很餓,但我們不餓。
Was/were 是 am/is/are 的過去式形式。現在式: am/is 等於過去式: was,現在式: are 等於過去式: were。
I’m sad. -> I was sad. 我很難過。
She is at school.-> she was at school. 她在學校。
You are slow. -> You were slow. 你很慢。
was/were 表示過去。通常會加上過去時間: yesterday, last night, last week, two months ago 等。
He was in Europe last winter. 他去年冬天在歐洲。
You were late to school yesterday. 他們昨天上學遲到。
在表達出生 born 時的 be 動詞要用was/were。be 動詞加 born 只有過去式的形式: was/were born。
“When were you born?” “I was born in 1999.” “你何時出生?” “我出生於1999年。”
was/were – 練習題