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当我们泛指某些人群时,我们可以使用 the 定冠词 + adjective 形容词 (不含名词来指称 。例如,当我们想谈论聋人时,我们可以说 the deaf,来替代 deaf people。您可以在下面看到一些句子范例。

The agency put more effort into providing health check-ups for the mentally ill. 该机构更加努力为精神病患者提供健康检查。
The government create a program that could help the poor. 政府制定了一项可以帮助穷人的计画。
The rich attend political meetings in the city. 富人在城里参加政治会议。
An organization created a house of support for the blind. 一个组织为盲人建立了一个支持之家。
The jobless are given an opportunity to work for the government. 失业者有机会为政府工作。
This tradition has existed for centuries to keep the memory of the dead.  这个传统存在了几个世纪,以纪念逝者。
The youth community organized an event to support the handicapped. 青年社区组织了一次支持残疾人的活动。

其他常用的 the+形容词 有,the deaf, the young, the disabled, the old, the needy, the divorced, the illiterate等.

注意,在英文中,当我们泛指事物或人时,名词前不使用定冠词 the 。 如当我们泛指各种鲜花时,我们说 I love flowers(而不是 the flowers)。因此,当我们使用泛指时,我们总是可以使用两种不同的结构:

  • the + 形容词 (不含名词the rich, the blind, the young, etc.
  • 形容词 + people (不含the): rich people, blind people, young people, etc.


 the + -ch, -sh, -ese, -ss

我们可以使用 the + -ch、-sh、-ese、-ss 结尾的国籍形容词来指称所有该国籍的人。

The English like their food. (=English people)  英国人喜欢他们的食物。
The Swiss are voting on emigration. (=Swiss people) 瑞士人就移民问题投票。
The Chinese are unhappy about the new system. (=Chinese people) 中国人对新制度感到不满。

the + 复数名词

大多数其他指述国籍的字即当名词又可以当形容词。其作为名词的复数形式等同其作为形容词 + -s。有了这些名词,我们就可以用 the + 复数名词来指代那个国籍所有的人。

The Belgians are famous for their waffles and beers. 比利时人以华夫饼和啤酒闻名。
The Brazilians are really good at playing soccer and beach volleyball. 巴西人非常擅长踢足球和沙滩排球。
Most of the mythological characters are from the Greeks.大多数神话人物来自希腊人。

带有-ch、-sh、-ss 的单数形:an Englishman 一个英国人。

当我们要称呼一个来自特定国家的人时,如果国籍形容词以 -ch、-sh、-ss 结尾,我们必须在它后面加上-man-woman 。我们说 an Englishman 或 an Englishwoman (不能是 an English), a Frenchman 或 a Frenchwoman (不能是 a French), an Irishman 或 an Irishwoman (不能是 an Irish)… 等。

有几个以 -ch、-sh、-ss 结尾的国籍形容词它们有独特的名词来称呼某一个来自该国的人。我们说 a Spaniard西班牙人(不是a Spanishman)、a Dane丹麦人(不是 a Danishwoman)、a Finn芬兰人、a Scot苏格兰人、a Pole波兰人、a Swede瑞典人、a Turk土耳其人…等


  • the + 形容词: the Spanish, the Polish, the Swedish, etc.
  • the + 复数名词: the Spaniards, the Poles, The Swedes, etc.


就其他国籍来说,单数名词通常与形容词相同: Belgian →a Belgian, Moroccan →a Moroccan 等

英文中怎样将形容词作为名词使用 – 练习题

1. are famous for being friendly and having a laid-back outlook.

2.   come mostly from older generations.

3. An American traveler has been guided by a in Switzerland.

4. They organise sports tournaments for  .

5. The country was first colonized in the 1520s by .

6.   should not be held in solitary confinement

7. How do clean their house?

8. Typically,   are known for their punctuality and affection for rules.

9. They should give the benefits coming from the government to .

10. The body of a has been found floating in a Spanish marina next to his boat.




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