since vs for
For 和 since 可以用于现在完成式、过去完成式、过去完成进行式。
For + 一段时间
例: for + 3 weeks,for + 5 years,for + a few days,for + 12 hours
He’s been here for ten minutes. 他已经抵达十分钟了。
She’s been watching TV for two hours. 她已经看了两小时的电视。
当某个行为或事件的开始和结束都是在过去,for 也可以用于过去式。
He has lived in Beijing for 10 months. (他现在还在北京生活,这个行为还未结束。)
He lived in Beijing for 10 months. (他现在已经不在北京住了,行为的开始和结束都发生在过去。)
Since + 某个时间点(发生的那一刻)
例: since + 我出生时,since + 十点钟,since + 上礼拜三
I’ve arrived since 17: 30. 我 17:30分抵达。
He’s been playing video games since he finished his homework. 他从功课写完之后便一直在打电动。
They had been divorced since 2009. 他们从2009年开始便已经离婚。
since vs from
since, from + 开始的时间,表示一个行为、状态或是事件的开始。
当在表达一个行为、事件、和状态发生的期间时,通常会使用 since 加上现在完成式或过去完成式,因为 since 表示出这些行为、事件、和状态开始的时间点。
I have known her since I was 10. 我从十岁便认识他。
He’s been working in the company since he graduated. 他毕业之后便一直在这间公司工作。
I was tired; I had been busy since early morning. 我从清晨开始忙碌,非常累。
The product will be on sale from next Wednesday. 这个商品从下礼拜三开始特价。
I’m usually at work from 9:30. 我通常会从9:30开始工作。
当使用 from 表示事件的开始时,也可以使用 to 或 until/till 来表示事件的结束。
I slept from 10 p.m. to 8 a.m. (or until/till 8a.m.) 我从晚上十点睡到早上八点。
The news reported that 500 died in the earthquake from this morning to midnight. (or until/till midnight) 新闻从早上到凌晨报导了有500人死于地震。
since, for, from – 练习题