前缀 | people | thing | place |
some- | somebody/someone | something | somewhere |
any- | anybody/anyone | anything | anywhere |
no- | nobody/no-one | nothing | nowhere |
every- | everybody/everyone | everything | everywhere |
some- 用于肯定句中
在肯定句中,通常用 something, somebody/someone, somewhere。
Oh no! Something is wrong with the car! 不好了!车子有问题!
Somebody will bring your things to the class. 有人会把你的东西带到课堂上。
any- 用于否定和疑问句中
在否定句和疑问句中通常用 anything, anybody/anyone, anywhere。
There isn’t anybody in the car. 车内没有人。
Is there anybody here? 这里有人吗?
但是在表达请求或提供时,我们通常会用something, somebody/someone, somewhere。
Can somebody help me? 有人可以帮助我吗?
Would you like something to drink? 你想喝点什么吗?
no- 搭配肯定动词
在有肯定动词的句子可以用 nobody/no one, nothing, nowhere。
I went to the neighbors’ house, and I could hear nobody. (不能说 I couldn’t hear nobody) 我去了邻居家,但是没有听见任何人的声音。
‘Where have you been?’ ‘Nowhere.’ “你去哪儿了?” “哪儿也没有。”
every- 代表全部
在表达全部人,全部的事或是全部的地方时可以 用everybody/everyone, everything, everywhere。
Everybody in the building went outside. 大楼里的每个人都出去了。
We went to the mall, and everything was cheap. 我们去了商场,所有东西都很便宜。
There were ants everywhere. 到处都是蚂蚁。
所有这些every-, any-, no-, some- 单字中用单数动词。
Everything is organized in this room. 一切都安排在这个房间里。
Everyone was excited. 每个人都很兴奋。
Has someone seen my keys? 有人看到我的钥匙了吗?
something, anyone, nowhere 等 +形容词
在 something, anything 等后面可以加上形容词
Let’s meet up somewhere nice. 让我们在一个不错的地方见面。
She doesn’t want anything cheap. 她不想要便宜的东西。
something, anyone, nowhere 等 + to 不定词
在 something, anything 等之后可以用 to + 不定词
They didn’t have anywhere to stay for the night. 他们没有地方过夜。
She wants something to buy in the market. 她想在市场上买点东西。
Something, anything, nothing – 练习题