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在英文中, journey 和 trip 的意思看似相似,都與「旅途」有關,但它們在用法還是有明顯不同的。


Journey 通常指從一個地點到另一個地點的路途,從 A 點到 B 點,可以是乘坐某種交通工具。它強調的是移動過程本身,可能是長途的,也可能是具有挑戰性或探索性質的旅行。Journey 也常常用於比喻人生或長期目標的路途。

The journey to the city center takes two hours. 去市中心的旅程需要兩個小時。
It was a very long journey but it was great when we arrived. 那是一段很長的旅程,但到達時感覺很棒。


trip 指的是一次旅行的整體經歷,包括去程、逗留期間的活動,以及返程。trip 通常用於日常語境中,描述假日旅行、商務出差或任何短期旅行。

值得注意的是,當談論 trip 時,常搭配 go on a trip 這個短語。另外,trip 可以用於特定類型的短期旅行,如 day trip(一日遊)。

We’re going on a five-day trip to New York next month. 下個月我們將去紐約進行為期五天的旅行。
I went on a trip to the lake last summer. 去年夏天我去湖邊旅行了。


當有人問 How was your journey? 時,他們通常關注的是從一個地方到另一個地方的路途本身。他們可能想知道移動是否順利,花了多少時間,或者旅途是否舒適。

可能的回答:It was long! It took nearly 3 hours and the bus was so crowded! 太久了!花了將近3個小時,公共汽車上擠滿了人!

當問到 How was your trip? 時,這個問題更加全面,不僅包括旅程本身,還包括在目的地的經歷、所做的事情、見到的人,以及整體感受。

可能的回答:It was fun, but it rained a lot. We played lots of card games! 這很有趣,但雨下得很大。我們玩了很多紙牌遊戲!

journey 和 trip – 練習題

1. His long across the country took several days.

2. Are you excited about your upcoming business to Tokyo?

3. The from her home to the office is quite tiring.

4. We're planning a short to the beach this weekend.

5. The space to Mars will be a historic event.

6. I'm going on a road with my friends this summer.

7. The novel describes the protagonist's emotional through life.

8. They documented their entire world in a blog.

9. Her daily to school involves three different buses.





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