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先說結論,effort (單數形式)主要表達單個或集體的共同努力,而 efforts(複數形式) 則用來強調多個個體的各自努力。


effort 用作單數時,可以指一個人的努力,或者是多人共同的努力。

The success of the project was due to a collaborative effort. 該項目的成功是由於共同的努力。
His effort to improve his skills was evident. 他提高技能的努力是顯而易見的。

effort 也可以用於廣義上的努力。

It takes a lot of effort to learn a language. 學習一門語言需要很大的努力。


在用 efforts 這個複數形式時,它特指不同個體各自的努力,強調的是獨立的努力,而不是指向共同或協作的努力。

The team’s efforts were individually remarkable. 團隊成員的努力各自都很出色。
Various efforts by different organizations contributed to the cause. 不同組織的各自努力對這一事業作出了貢獻。

effort 和 efforts – 練習題

1. His to learn a new language were admirable.

2. Different organizations made various to support the community.

3. Multiple by individual team members led to the project's completion.

4. It will require a significant to overcome these challenges.

5. The campaign relied on the of many volunteers.

6. His personal in training were noticeable.




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