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好多人會把 raise 和 rise 這兩個單字搞混。雖然這兩個字都與「上升」或「增加」有關,讓我們一起來看一看。

Raise [reɪz]

raise 是一個及物動詞,意味著它需要一個直接賓語來完成其意義。當你 raise 某物時,通常意味著你將其從一個較低的位置移動到一個較高的位置,或者你在促進某種增加或增長。raise 常用於談論提高薪水、增加數量、舉起物品或促進某種發展。

The company decided to raise all employees’ salaries by 5%. 公司決定將所有員工的薪水提高5%。
Please raise your hand if you have a question. 如果你有問題,請舉手。

Rise [raɪz]

相比之下,rise 是一個不及物動詞,意味著它不需要直接賓語。當某物 rise 時,它自己上升或增加,不需要外力作用。rise 常用於描述太陽的升起、溫度的上升、水位的增高或一般的增加和提升。

The sun rises in the east. 太陽從東方升起。
The price of oil has risen significantly this year. 今年油價已顯著上漲。

raise 和 rise – 練習題

1. The charity event aimed to money for local hospitals.

2. Temperatures are expected to over the weekend.

3. She will the issue during the meeting.

4. The sun early in the summer.

5. The company plans to the prices of its products next month.

6. Every morning, she watches the birds into the sky.

7. They need to awareness about the environmental issues.

8. The bread dough will if left in a warm place.




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