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reserve、book 和 order 都能表達“預定”的意思,經常會被搞混。雖然這三個詞在某些情境下可互相替換,但它們各自有著不同的焦點和用法。


Reserve 的意思是把你的名字寫在某物上,這樣別人就不能用了。常與預留房間、座位、車輛或其他服務相關。這個詞強調對某項服務或物品的暫時性保留,而不涉及實際的購買或付款。

I reserved a table for us at the restaurant. 我為我們在餐廳預留了一張桌子。
She reserved a room in the hotel for next weekend. 她預留了下周末酒店的一間房間。


相比之下,”book” 通常指安排或確定預定,特別是在涉及旅館、航班、票務等情況下。它往往意味著預定過程已經完成,並且可能已經進行了支付。

He booked flights for his trip to Japan. 他預訂了前往日本的機票。
Can you book tickets for the concert next month? 你可以預訂下個月音樂會的票嗎?


Order 常用於指購買或預定商品,有“下單”的意思。”Order” 通常用於餐廳點餐或在網上購物。

We ordered pizza for dinner tonight. 我們今晚訂了比薩做晚餐。
I need to order a new laptop online. 我需要在線訂購一台新筆記本電腦。

reserve、book 和 order – 練習題

1. You'll need to a table at that popular restaurant weeks in advance.

2. She decided to her flight early to get a better deal.

3. We'd like to seats near the stage for the concert.

4. For her birthday, she wants to a private dining room in a fancy restaurant.

5. They had to their spot in the guided tour two months ahead.

6. I'm going to a bouquet of flowers for delivery on Mother's Day.




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