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英文中,sometime 和 some time 雖然在拼寫上只有細微差別,但在用法上有著明顯的不同。


sometime 是一個副詞,用來指一個不特定的、未確定的時間點。它通常用於表示將來或過去的某個時刻,但具體時間不確定或不重要。

Let’s meet up sometime next week. 我們下週某個時候見面吧。
She said she visited that museum sometime last year. 她說她去年某個時候參觀了那個博物館。

Some time

some time 由兩個詞組成:形容詞 some 和名詞 time,表示一段時間,強調的是時間的持續性或長度。它用來指一段不定的但相對較長的時間。

I need some time to think about your proposal. 我需要一些時間來思考你的提議。
She has been living there for quite some time now. 她在那裡居住已經相當一段時間了。

sometime 和 some time – 練習題

1. I hope to take a vacation for this summer to relax and unwind.

2. She mentioned that she would call me today, but she didn't specify when.

3. It's been since we last met; we should catch up soon.

4. Can you finish this project next week?

5. He's been studying English for quite now and has made significant progress.

6. Let's plan to meet in the afternoon when you're free.

7. It might take me to get used to the new software.

8. I last visited that city in the early 2000s.

9. To master a new language, you need to practice for .

10. She said she'd been feeling unwell for and decided to see a doctor.




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